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Christian Embassy Nature Park_Anemones


Invest in Israel’s Green Future with the ‘Christian Embassy Nature Park'
Help Replant and Restore this special part of the Be’eri Forest

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem is helping to replant and restore burned areas of the beautiful Be’eri Forest in southern Israel, which was severely damaged by fire kites and balloons released by terrorists in nearby Gaza over recent years. The Be’eri Forest is one of the most popular attractions for Israeli families, especially when the fields are carpeted with red anemones during the winter rains. Our section of the Be’eri Forest has been renamed the CHRISTIAN EMBASSY NATURE PARK. It will be reforested by planting eucalyptus, native oak and other broadleaf trees that are less flammable, provide plenty of shade, and grow fast in the dry desert climate. This park will be a lasting testimony to the Israeli people that Christians care about this Land.

You can help restore this beloved Israeli forest by adopting a plot in square meters for replanting and renewal. Every donation of $60.00 will sponsor 50 square meters of the ICEJ’s new Nature Park.

Nature Park Fund


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